Course Intro Videos
Science 8A
Science 8B
StrongMind Courses
Science 6A
Science 6A is an introduction to the basics of scientific thinking and investigation. In this course, students will learn how to make predictions, investigate and interpret data. These concepts will then carry over to the other parts of 6th grade science where they will practice and use the scientific process. Students will also explore the structure and function of living systems. This will include learning about the cell, different groups of living things, how living things are organized and how different structures work together to carry out certain functions.
Suggested Grade Level: 6
Prerequisite: None
Science 6B
This is the second course for 6th grade science. It is a continuation to the basics of scientific thinking and investigation. In this course, students will continue to practice making predictions, investigating and interpreting data. Students will also explore the composition of Earth and how Earth interacts with the atmosphere. This will include learning about Earth’s weather and climate. This course also covers how organisms interact with their environment and the various changes that can occur. Finally, students will learn how energy is transferred and stored.
Suggested Grade Level: 6
Prerequisite: Science 6A
Science 7A
Science 7A focuses on the basics of Earth Science are introduced. These topics are tested and applied to the student’s everyday life. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to basic Earth science topics, in preparation for high school General Science.
Suggested Grade Level: 7
Prerequisite: None
Science 7B
This is the second course for 7th grade science. One unit on Environmental Science is discussed, along with five units of Astronomy. These topics are tested and applied to the student’s everyday life. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to basic science topics in preparation for a high school level General Science course.
Suggested Grade Level: 7
Prerequisites: Preferably Science 7A
Science 8A
Science 8A focuses on life science concepts from biology, ecology, and environmental science. Science 8A also explores the nature of science and has engineering and technology practices threaded throughout the course. This course begins with an introduction to scientific processes.
Suggested Grade Level: 8
Prerequisite: None
Science 8B
Science 8B focuses on physical science concepts from physics to chemistry. This course begins with an introduction to the history of physics. Then, the course explores the fundamentals of physics, including graphing and Newton’s laws of motion. The second half of the course begins with an introduction to the history of the study of chemistry. The course then explores the different properties of matter, elements, compounds, and mixtures. Science 8B ends with a brief look at the current research that is taking place in these two areas of science.
Suggested Grade Level: 8
Suggested Prerequisite: Science 8A